Ancestors Legacy Wiki

This page details the Slav building tree.

Buildings[ | ]

Icon Name Effect Cost Tier
T ui Sla bd house House +1 squad limit 50 wood I
T ui Sla bd Well Well Reduces building destruction speed 50 wood I
T ui Sla bd placeofcult Place of Cult Enables prayers 100 wood

20 iron

T ui Sla dbd Tower Shooting tower Fixed defensive emplacement for your home town I
T ui Sla bd barracks Barracks Allows recruitment of Shield Warband and Spear Warband 75 wood

10 iron

T ui Sla bd Archery Archery Range Allows recruitment of Slavic Archers 75 wood

10 iron

T ui Sla bd blacksmith Blacksmith Unlocks upgrades, allows recruitment of ballista and catapult 150 wood

30 iron

T ui Sla bd Stable Stables Allows the recruitment of Cavalry and Mounted Archers 100 wood

10 iron

T ui Sla bd townhall Town Hall Basic building, allows for constructing other buildings and tier upgrades I
T ui Sla dbd Trap 02 Muddy Pit Trap Immobilizes enemy units 15 wood I
T ui Sla dbd Trap 01 Spike Pit Trap Instantly kills enemy squad 30 wood I